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He Divorced His Wife For A Female Jinn | Jinn Stories

A Jinn story:

My dear brothers and sisters, after lot of research i found this
story that happened to a young man and is a lesson to show
us that the path of shaiytan leads to nothing but destruction ,
the story is counted by the cousin of the young man so let's
start Bismillah :

My name is Yasir, i was 28 when the events i will count
happened , i come from a family of farmers we are villagers
from Egypt, i was married to a good woman we had a son and
we lived with my mother in the house of my father, i was a

simple farmer so we were poor and i started to get tired of that

life , i was an adventurer who loved to live new experiences
and i wanted to be wealthy and live like other men of my age
but i did not study and couldn't afford a good job ...

One day some cousins of my mother came to our village to
visit us , they were researchers from the city they worked in
archeology and they passed by our home for a day and i was
so fascinated by them and their job ,they were young men in
their thirties like me but they had a better life than me , they
studied and had passionating jobs so before i knew it i spoke
and said :" i wanna work with you "! They all looked at me and
said :" but what would you work in?" | replied :" i can help in
digging! | can do the hard work of digging or anything you need
me in please!"..


Out of respect for my mother they accepted and i left with
them for another city in Egypt and we stopped and started
to dig in a certain place to search for ancient remainings and
treasures and while i was digging i noticed a a man who was
telling them where to dig he travelled with us but i noticed
that sometimes he went to far places by himself and talked
alone like talking to himself and i started to chat with him ..

| realized that he was a magician and deal with jinns that tell
him where to dig for treasures, i knew about magicians there
were a lot in my village but it never came to my head that one
day i would be interested in the jinns until this man said :"
what exactly would you want from them if you worked with
them ?" | replied :" i want to become rich" and he smiled..

He said to me :" let me teach you something my son : in

the jinn world the females are much more powerful than
males and have more influence and evilness ,the females
jinn queens are the ones the magicians work with mostly
especially the ones specialized in dark magic so if you want
to become rich i suggest you to search about the queen"
kahla " she is specialized in searching for hidden treasures
but she is very evil and not easy to deal with so be careful "..


He continued:" i tried to call on her many times but it never worked out, you have more chances than me since you are younger and good looking because if she likes your look she will show up and take you as a husband but if she doesn't like how you look or see that you are weak she will send one of her guards or servants to torture you until you loose your mind or die! That is why I warn you"..
He seemed to me like a weak magician,the jinns were playing him they led him to wrong places everywhere we went so i lost interest in him i wanted to go to a powerful magician and i became obsessed with the queen kahla and my decision was made : i had to search for a way to summon her she is my only way for a better life..
We travelled again to a new city and this time we stayed in a small hotel and in front of it was a big house so i got curious and one of the workers told me that it belonged to an old woman who's a dangerous magician and this was exactly what I looked for since months! I immediately went there and a young woman who guards the place said to me :" you are looking for a way to call on kahla right? Come and enter Yasir my mistress is waiting for you ".. i was terrified! How did she knew my name and what i was thinking? Then it hit me: this is the house of a magician!

 The old lady was waiting inside,she looked at me and said:" - i will give you the real ritual to call on the queen kahla but in exchange i want a huge amount of money ",i replied:" but i don't have money!", She was silent for some time then said:" alright i will need you in something: when you call on kahla i need you to go to a certain grave and bring me something from there.."...
The old woman added:" listen i will give you the original and true way to call on queen kahla you can only find it in original magic books and they are rare and not found anywhere so i require that you do your part in return! I need kahla in something she can find for me in a certain grave, i cannot call her because I'm a woman and she deals only with young men like you so do not think of playing me!" And she grabbed my hand and wrote something in it and suddenly i fell inconcious...
I woke up in the garden of that old woman an hour later and she was standing looking down at me,she said:" now you can see what I can do to you if you think of playing me! Here is the ritual" and she threw a page on my face and she added:"i hope you know what you must sacrifice if you enter this world", i replied:" what do you mean ?" She said:" you must stop praying and commit shirk ! You can no longer be a Muslim it's the condition of making a contract with the jinns"...
For a moment i was sad then a voice spoke in my head and said:" what did you gain from praying and worshipping Allah all your life anyway?" And i replied to that old woman :" deal" and i left..

 I was sitting in my hotel room holding the paper of the ritual and there was a picture of kahla and the ingredients required for the ritual so i went to the store and bought all what was needed and for the first time in my life that day when i heard Adan i got up for Salah and then i remembered what the old lady said and a tear fell from my eyes and i said:" forgive me for this ya Allah" and i stopped praying..
The second worst thing i did was fasting for the sake of kahla and not for the sake of Allah!! Her ritual required fasting for days and eat certain food you see how they humiliate us? And sadly i did it and i won't mention the disgusting things i did for this ritual...
I finnished everything and the appointed day came and i kept calling on kahla alone in my hotel room for hours,i knew the steps of what will happen and suddenly the air thickened in the room and i heard weird noises until kahla appeared to me out of nowhere and i froze from shock..

 Kahla bintu Burqan stood right in front of me and she looked exactly like the picture,she has a long black hair and brown skin and she wore a white dress and a gold crown on her head and for an instant i couldn't breathe from both fear and shock...
I knew what to do next, since she came herself it means that she approved of me so i gave her the piece of bread i held in my hand and she took it from me which means that i was accepted and the contract was made and she disapeared in a second..
I couldn't sleep at night and a verse from Quran came to my head like a warning where Allah says:" will you take shaiytan and his children as allies. instead of me while they are your enemies!?", I knew what i was doing was destroying me but money blinded me and the next day kahla came back again and i told her what i wanted since she was expert in finding treasures she led me to a graveyard where i found my first treasure..

 Once i came back to my family, both my wife and my mother complained because i used to go out every night going with Kahla to search treasures and come back only in mornings and i asked Kahla for a way to make them not question anything and she taught me how to practice magic on food and once my mother and my wife ate that food they started to be silent and not question anything, yes i did magic on my own family!
I became wealthy and bought a new house and people started to question from where I became rich since they all knew i was a simple farmer who was poor and my mother and wife didn't question anything since they were under the influence of magic and seeing the jinns has become normal to me, i saw many servants and guards of Kahla when she send them to me...
After the months passed i asked Kahla a question:" why didn't you marry me yet?" And she smiled and replied :" because you are married already, we jinn queens do not share the man we take as husband and certainly not with a human woman" and she added:"if you want me to take you as husband you must divorce your human wife" and the choice was made already in my head i did not hesitate and i went home and divorced my wife..

 My wife had only one condition for divorce which is to let her keep our son and i agreed and my mother left and refused to talk to me again she did not approve of the divorce and my new lifestyle and i was left alone..
Kahla came to me that day and said:" prostrate to me and you'll become my husband",i got confused and she repeated:" make sujood to me!" And i sadly did it indeed the jinns don't do anything for you except that they take more in return! I had degraded myself while Allah gave me honor and that's my first Punishement ...
Kahla married me and sent some of her guards to be with Me all the time and i hunted for more treasures and my wealth grew and more people started to question until one day i was visited by police,someone had told them i was a magician because they saw me many times at night going to the graveyard but since they had no proof so nothing happened until one day i remembered the old woman and told Kahla about what she asked me to do for her and Kahla replied:" forget about her she can't do anything to you "...

Few days later the old witch came to my house with a very angry face she said:" didn't i tell you to not play with me ?? It's been months and you did not fulfil your part of the pact!" And Kahla appeared and hurted her and the old woman looked at me before leaving and said:" you will pay for this"...
The jinn queen told me about a place where there was a hidden treasure and i brought 5 of my cousins to dig,they all knew about my lifestyle and magic and they agreed to help but Kahla said:" this time in order for me to help a human sacrifice is needed", i got scared and said:" you cannot be serious! I never needed a human sacrifice before!" And she said:" either you spill blood or the consequences will not be good for you"! I knew that it was a plot from her after all she is a shaytana so what did i expect?? I knew she would ask more and more and turn on me one day i knew i would pay the price high and i had no choice but to do as she said or I'll be the one who will end up hurt.. 

Kahla was mischevious like all her kind and i had no choice but to do as she said so i found a crazy homeless man and chose him because i knew that no one
would search for him and when my cousins saw him and learned about what we would do to him they got shocked..
3 of them finally agreed because they wanted this money as much as me and 2 refused and they all fought and with the influence of the shayateen in that place i don't know how but one of them plunged a knife in the back of one of my cousins and indeed blood was spilled! We all stood in shock looking at the lifeless body of our cousin and i asked all 4 of them to take the body and burry it somewhere and i took the crazy homeless man back to where i found him ..
The next day police came to take me,apparently someone saw my cousins burying the body and reported us to police and i got to know after that it was the old witch that had her revenge on me finally, i had no choice but to tell the police about everything and i was charged with murder + practising magic and i ended up in prison, i lost everything all at once for what? Nothing!


Some of the prisoners started to recite Quran and i couldn't bear it,i was burning from the inside and apparently i lost conciousness many times and one of the prisoners noticed my state he understood i was possessed and he read Quran many times on me and Kahla stopped coming to me because of the Quran and she abondonned me because that's what the shayateen do in the end..
No one came to visit me in prison except a good cousin and i learned that my ex wife got married to a good man,what did i expect? That she would forgive me and come back to me? Now not only another man was blessed with my wife who was a great woman but another man will raise my son and that's enough Punishement to kill me inside everyday that pass, i started praying again and repented but guilt will never leave me i was so focused in Money that i failed to see my real blessings...
Until today it is said that Yassir is still in prison and the story was counted by his cousin as a lesson for anyone thinking of taking the path of shaiytan!


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